Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Trouble in paradise

There are many perils in which one must face in everyday life. We as a society have built safeguards to protect us from ourselves and from others. We take calculated risks daily. I ride my bike and therefore understand the risks but also understand the rewards. I was able to take a long ride over the weekend to ponder my troubles. The ride started in a resort town high in the mountains, there are many who say that the rate in which towns grow is ruining the very reason for visiting. In this journey, I rode through one resort that having been infused with money over the past few years is expanding. I turned around in a very high dollar resort town thinking of the pioneers who years ago traversed the pass to find pristine land. As I looked at the growth and listen to the din of traffic shuttling people, I realized that my problem is only a minor one. When I got back to the mountain retreat, I grabbed a cup of coffee and came to the conclusion that I didn't need to leave home to beat the heat. I needed to go to a place that had a working coffee maker.

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